How To Get Free FIFA Coins?

by Philip Jara

As a FIFA Ultimate Team player, one of the most frustrating things is not being able to get a player card when you need it the most. Whether you’re an experienced or amateur FUT player, knowing how to get free fifa coins when you need them the most is the best way to enjoy the mode.

There’s always the option of buying FIFA coins but not everyone has spare cash lying around. The post takes you through some methods to rake in free fifa coins.

Invest in bronze and silver pack

Being dedicated to playing the FUT mode would naturally reward you with fifa coins. However, not everyone has the time to play all weekend matches. Investing in bronze and silver packs can help you raise your FIFA coins. Go buy as many bronze and silver packs as your coins allow you to. Make a list of what each pack contains, as much as you can, and then leave them alone and wait for them to sell. Bronze and silver cards are many gamer’s favorites when participating in the Squad Building Challenge (SBC).

Division rivals and squad battles

Playing games is one of the organic ways to earn free fifa coins as listed by EA. Yet most people do not invest the time in doing this. You can focus your games on Thursday’s division rivals and Sunday’s squad battles. If you don’t have time all week, play a total of 10 matches from Thursday and Sunday games and you’ll get a good pack and FIFA coins. The worst that can happen is that you end up with bad players in your pack. If you’re not comfortable with the bad players on your team. Sell them off for some good FIFA coins, no matter how little.

FIFA coin boost

This method only works if you regularly play FIFA Ultimate Team. These coin boosts work by multiplying the end of match coins. Coin boosts are free but you have to complete certain objectives. This may seem frustrating and time-consuming but as a regular player, completing objectives should come easy. However, a good and quick way to get coin boost is to look through the list of objectives to see the ones reward you with coin boosts.

You can focus on these particular objectives to gather as many coin boosts as possible. So, it’s a win-win situation for you to get free coins from completing objectives and also finding coin boosts. With enough coin boost, play Thursday and Sunday matches and aim for a win. Wins can give you as much as 2000 FIFA coins with the boost feature. A loss give you 750. Use this simple method to keep getting free fifa coins.


Many FIFA coin merchant sites organize giveaways occasionally to distribute free fifa coins. While it’s a good way to get free fifa coins, you should ensure you’re dealing with a reputable seller.


FIFA coins are the only legal virtual currency to enjoy FIFA Mobile and FIFA Ultimate Team modes. The more coins you can gather, the more opportunity you have to buy the best player cards. For this reason, getting free fifa coins is never a bad idea, as long as you don’t violate the Terms and Conditions of EA. There are several ways to get these free fifa coins in the game. Most may be time-consuming, but they’re worth it in the end.

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