How to Generate Your Private Text-to-Speech Voices Freely

by Philip Jara

Text to Speech technology has made remarkable strides in recent years, offering a plethora of applications ranging from accessibility features to enhancing user experiences. While pre-existing text to speech voices are widely available, there is a growing interest in generating private, custom voices.

The Basics of Text-to-Speech Technology

TTS technology relies on complex algorithms that analyze linguistic patterns and convert written text into audible speech. While traditional TTS voices are often pre-packaged and available for public use, the ability to create personalized voices adds a new dimension to this transformative technology.

Tools for Generating Private Text-to-Speech Voices

Mozilla TTS

Leveraging deep learning techniques, Mozilla TTS enables the creation of unique voices by providing a platform for training on custom datasets. This flexibility empowers users to generate voices tailored to specific applications or industries.


CereVoice, developed by CereProc, is a commercial TTS engine that offers a unique feature – the ability to create custom voices based on recordings of a specific individual. This personalized touch is especially valuable for businesses seeking to incorporate a distinct brand voice.

Steps to Generate Your Private TTS Voices

Data Collection

The first step in creating a custom TTS voice involves collecting a dataset. This dataset typically includes recordings of a person’s voice speaking various sentences. The larger and more diverse the dataset, the better the model can capture the nuances of the individual’s speech patterns.

Collect Training Data

Training a TTS model requires a substantial amount of data. Gather a diverse set of audio samples that represent the characteristics you want in your private voice. This could include recordings of your voice, speeches, or other audio content that captures the nuances you wish to incorporate.

Training the Model

Using tools like Tacotron 2 or Mozilla TTS, users can then train the model using the collected dataset. During this phase, the model learns to associate text input with corresponding audio output, gradually refining its ability to mimic the desired voice.


Fine-tuning is a crucial step to enhance the quality and uniqueness of the generated voice. Users can adjust parameters related to pitch, speed, and intonation to achieve a more personalized and natural-sounding result.

Benefits of Generating Private TTS Voices

Brand Consistency

For businesses and organizations, generating a private TTS voice ensures brand consistency across various platforms. This personalized touch helps reinforce brand identity and enhance customer recognition.

Creative Expression

Individuals and content creators can use private TTS voices as a means of creative expression. Whether for storytelling, podcasting, or other audio-based content, having a custom TTS voice adds a unique and personal element.

Customization for Specialized Applications

In sectors like healthcare or customer service, where specific terminology or jargon is common, generating private TTS voices allows for customization to ensure accurate pronunciation and a seamless user experience.


The ability to generate private Text-to-Speech voices marks a significant advancement in the realm of audio technology. As tools like Tacotron 2, Mozilla TTS, and CereVoice continue to evolve, individuals and businesses alike have the opportunity to explore new avenues of creativity and customization.

Whether it’s for brand reinforcement, creative projects, or specialized applications, the freedom to generate private TTS voices provides a unique and powerful tool for those looking to make their mark in the world of digital audio. As this technology progresses, we can anticipate even more innovative applications and a broader range of voices to enrich the audio landscape

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